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The Dutch ICT magazine Computable nominated several Security Delta (HSD) partners for the annual Computable Awards in different categories. Voting is possible from 3 July until 5 October 2023. The winners will be announced on 30 October during the eighteenth anniversary of the Computable Awards.

You can vote at once in all sixteen categories via the voting module. The public vote counts for 50%, the other 50% is in the hands of the jury, including Stijn Grove (Dutch Data Center Association), Ruud Mulder, Fred Streefland (Secior), Anouk Vos (Revnext) and Jasper Wognum (BrainCreators).

Congrats Accenture, TNO, KPN, Sectra, ITvitae, Stellar® Data Recovery, TU Delft, University of Amsterdam, The Hague University of Applied sciences, NL AIC, Province of South Holland, municipality of Amsterdam and Z-Cert with the nomination.

  • The Hague Security Delta
  • ISO 9001:2015 Certified
  • MKB Innovative
  • MVO Nederland
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